Countless working examples of people creating free layers show the huge potential of free and open systems. However interior and exterior difficulties and problems in communities that are engaged in projects like in the free software world cannot always be overcome.
Successful as well as failed ideas and projects can teach invaluable lessons. To learn about the way people work together, their common ideas, differences and their culture as well as about the opposition to these ideas does not only teach us a lot about the successful organization of free layered projects, it could indeed teach us some basic lessons how a free society could work.
I believe a civilization where all layers are free, a civilization with a culture of free exchange and collaboration can guarantee a truly free society. To know what difficulties lie ahead in the creation of a free civilization, or rather free societies, and what strategies and solutions are available, we should look for answers in the communities engaged in free layered projects that are already successful today as well as to projects that encountered problems, split up or even stopped working completely.