Das transaktionale Stressmodell der Forschergruppe um Lazarus (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984) hat seit den siebziger Jahren…
Kategorie: Open Knowledge
How to combat child exploitation? Improving economic growth of a country versus ameliorating children’s working conditions
Globally, nearly 250 million children between five and 15 years work every day (see Meier, 2006:…
Free Society = Read-Write Society: A Culture of Openness and Free Collaboration
What made and makes the development of free software, free content and free infrastructures – alternatives…
Mahalo – New Entry in the Search Eengine Market. An Alternative?
Jason McCabe Calacanis is the founder of Mahalo.com. With Mahalo he tries to establish a new…
A world where everything is free
Imagine a world, where everything is free. Impossible? Right now people all over the world are…
Linux, Open Source und die Philosophie der Free Software Foundation
Als Linus Torvalds, Student an der Universität in Helsinki, am 25.August 1991 auf der Newsgroup[1] comp.os.minix…
Nationale Narrative und Globalisierungskritiker in Australien
In diesem Beitrag geht es um die in Australien kanonischen Nationalmythen, die ihrem ursprünglichen Gehalt nach…
Open Source for Developing Countries: Looking for Penguins at the Horn of Africa
In April 2004, Jan Muehlig and Jutta Horstmann of relevantive AG set out to Addis Ababa,…
Mapping the Equator Through Measuring Coriolis Force in VHS (Very Huge Sinks)
A promising research project in applied Earth and Planetary Sciences The project seeks to investigate a…